Monday, October 11, 2010


she took the bus north, I took the train east, and we met by Lake Michigan. I wore my heels bloody in a new pair of flats, and in the rain the dye seeped through my tights and into my skin. black velvet dyed with a very dark green.

we called some mutual friends and harassed them for directions. hunted down some department store shoes that made me taller than her. (glittery with plastic pyramid studs on the heels. classé.) sat on the floor. (favorite.) ate some tasty generic Asian food instead of the $22 American Girl dinner.

at the end of it all, after parting and walking to the train station and waiting and falling asleep on the train and walking back to my dorm, I was so, so tired and cold that I experienced a transcendent gratitude for having a place to shower, bandage my blisters, and lay my head like a fox in its hole. amen.


  1. What, no pictures of the sparkly heels?

    I am sorry for your feet. :(

  2. Q - naw, too dark inside department stores for my lame-o 200 film. they've been through worse :P

  3. There's no place like home. Whatever that is.

  4. Absolutely beautiful pictures. Hope your feet recover soon :(

  5. stray girl from the busOctober 12, 2010 at 7:42 PM

    Oh, please post the sparkly heel pictures I sent you. :D

  6. stray girl from the busOctober 12, 2010 at 7:43 PM

    Also: that last picture is exactly what that day felt like. I can't say why.

  7. Did you meet who I think you met? Gah. Jealous. :)

  8. I love that photo of the two of you.

  9. This title of this post made me so happy and nostalgic at the same.

  10. red-handed - bed is really all it takes sometimes, hah.

    Maya - thank you!

    stray girl - shall do :)

    Georgie - I think so?

    Beth - oh goodness, I almost BLUSHED. thank you. <3

    Erin - meee too. The Bean crying in the rain.

    Some Girl - you and Chicago have a history?

  11. this was a pretty post. I miss chicago, I was born/raised just outside of it - makes me nostalgic also =)
    to answer your question - we moved to switzerland last november because my husband (mark) found a job here. for adventure I guess =)

  12. her - aw :) and yes, thanks for sating my curiousity. any expectations for how long you will be there, or is it indefinite?

  13. You did!! Lucky!! Someday I will go to Chicago. When I have money. :)

  14. Georgie - oi, I'm confused. let me email you.
