Monday, December 20, 2010


"refers to a person who has 'migrated out,' but often carries a connotation of politico-social self-exile." [Wikipedia]

I wrote this word on my window last month (minus one accent aigu, oops). My metaphor. A reminder that I am on the move and things behind must be left behind. When they pull back at me, I draw a line and call them my old country. Incuding: a scant sort of language, a way of life (existing?), a few concrete objects and maybe one or two people. Whatever must be gone from my life, I say of these to myself: Already gone.

I learn like an emigrant, one who leaves, and someday like an immigrant, one who arrives. Now is the forward, the new air and its miles before my face. The in-between, where I am anchored only to my feet and my breath. Walking—expectancy—and the waking.


  1. my Chicago girl - my metaphor. for courage and continued progress in the areas of my life where I need it.

  2. Just making sure you're coming back.

  3. I like that thought. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Heidi - and thanks for reading.

    Odessa - thanks, Miss Green Card. <3

  5. this post could've been written just for me.

    I love reading your words.

  6. Erin - then we can say I did write it for you. that'd be all right with me.
