Friday, January 13, 2012

Gratitudes + things that are making me happy

• shave ice — the kind that comes with cream on top and ice cream on the bottom

• coconut-flavored anything

• a visit to a ridiculously luxe hotel spa with my sister and mom — my first time at a spa — as a gift from Pater

• the sea turtle we saw today while snorkeling

• talking doula stuff with my big sister

• Niece-Baby's grins and chortles and murmurs to herself

• graduation gifts and cards

• temperatures in the seventies every day

• that the future feels interesting, not worrisome

• Lisbeth Salander

• finding a pair of yoga pants that fulfill literally every requirement I have for yoga pants perfection. (and they're intended for men. TYPICAL.)

• getting to spend time with my big sister and bro-in-law


  1. is your sister a doula? if so that is really awesome.

  2. SL - Yep, pretty much.

    Fé - Becoming! She's an on-call volunteer doula at a university hospital presently and working on a certification right now. I know, I agree...for her it's very much about empowering/supporting women around birth, so it also gives us a feminist kinda connection we wouldn't have had otherwise. I think it's a pretty rad calling.

  3. ah...this sounds just about perfect! and i still need to 'get acquainted' with lisbeth salander. haha.

  4. odessa - Watch the Swedish movie(s). I can't speak for the American remake, but the writing of the books really did not do it for me.

  5. I love you, & I love these things making you happy!
