Thursday, December 30, 2010

I believe in self-care

One. Life is a lot less painful when you aren't inflicting pain on yourself.
Two. And a lot less scary when you can count on yourself.

This is why I believe in being good to myself, in looking out for myself. Why I feed myself when I'm hungry, no matter what. Why I stop myself from pinching my stomach or yelling at myself in my head when I don't think I look good. Why I try to encourage and soothe myself instead of beating myself up. Why I work to keep my life in order. Why I have to forgive myself and keep myself safe.

There is a therapist's trick to test how you deal with yourself. You ask yourself:

Would I treat a child the way I am treating myself right now? Would I feel okay subjecting a child to the way I talk to myself? What about my best friend? Would I tolerate this kind of treatment from another person?

When the answer is no, something needs to change.


  1. Sarah Louise - what is therapy for, if not yoinking blog post topics? hehe.

  2. oh, that is a good way to look at things. and the picture accompanying this post is perfect.

  3. Erin - I have stuck her (third-grade me) on my magnet board above my desk as a reminder.
