Sunday, November 13, 2011

The day we woke up at four a.m.

We drove to the monastery only to find that the main gate was still closed / Napped in the car in the pre-dawn dark / Had breakfast at a diner lit with the first slanting rays of daylight, where our waitress told us to have as much hot tea as we liked / Listened to a glorious remix of a song we both love / She guessed the combination to the gate by pure luck / We drove up high into the North County hills / And over a speed bump with BUMP OF MINDFULNESS painted on it / Where we met a young Buddhist nun with a laughing face and shaved head who called to us, Good morning, sisters!


  1. :)))))
    I should've given you that remix. My apologies!!
    I was actually there today! They're finally open again.

  2. beautiful! i miss going to a monastery.

  3. Bridey - It was pretty dang delicious, mishaps and all.

    sui - Don't even worry! It's free to download, and I found my way to it easily enough. I really mustmust make a second attempt at joining them for a Day of was it?

    odessa - When have you been? What kind? *curious*

  4. holly, i used to go all the time when i was in the philippines. my grand-uncle (grandpa's first cousin) is a priest and his congregation is also affiliated with this group of monks called the Pink Sisters. we'd go there to hear mass because their singing is so lovely.

  5. odessa - Ahhh. I'm imagining. I want to hear more when next we meet.
