Monday, November 14, 2011


Sui's idea.

Tell me some nice things that people have said about you. The compliments that have stuck with you. Let's have some warm fuzzies and remember how proud we can be to know each other.

These are the mine:

"You are the perfect balance of reason and emotion." – Former suitemate
"Youth is not wasted on you." – SL
"I like how you don't take shit from anybody."  One of my supervisors at my last job

Your turn.



  1. The one that popped into my head is when my brother told me that I am emotionally intelligent. I know when I was in a bad mood and tell people so, and understand that it will pass.

  2. My favorite compliments stick with me like magnets to a fridge. (I'm a words of affirmation person, so they matter.)
    The best I've received...
    "She's like a modern-day Joan of Arc."
    "Gretchen, I like talking to you because you give good advice and you're sarcastic."

  3. oh what a glorious idea.
    here are mine:
    ''your existence is an integral part of what God is doing in the world. you're one of my favourite chapters.''
    ''i love you for never turning your face away.''

  4. Here's another one to add to the list: ;)

  5. This is a great idea. I love yours. Here are mine:

    "You are systematically destroying my insecure and zero self confidence existence!"
    "You're like my moon. Gentle glow, always there when I need you."

    (Also if you're ever in the Los Angeles area, we need to have another adventure.)

  6. From a Jesuit friend who is going to be a priest some day:

    "You remind me what it means to be devout and find joy in faith."

    I was so happy that evening.

  7. From a co-worker on why random strangers seem to confess their problems/secrets to me:

    "You have such a gentle and calm presence about you that makes people start talking."

    And from another writer after reading one of my poems:
    "I'd like to be so coherent and focused as this one day."

    This is a great idea, Holly and Sui! :)

  8. Guys, I LOVE this. It is making me really happy for and about all of you.

    Heather - From reading your blog, I think that is really accurate. You are super self-aware.

    Gretchen - Joan of ARC? So beaut. Like, why do I not have any Joan of Arc friends IRL. :(

    Gabs - "for never turning your face away" -- that's a beautiful one. I guess you must be quite beautiful.

    sui - eeps! <3

    Cassandar - Systematic destroyer of things which deserve it, ahhh! That's so great. You also apparently have friends who are good with words.

    Q - That is so lovely.

    odessa - Mmm, I am smiling at these...and I rather miss you!

  9. A woman from my old church told me once that she prayed her daughters would grow up to be just like me (they were 4 and 6 at the time)because I was "so witty and discerning." I was incredibly flattered, since she has pretty much the highest standards (to the point of being ridiculous) of any mom I've ever met, so it was high (although utterly undeserved) praise. It still makes me grin. I think she just liked me because I would talk about Jane Austen and swoon over Colin Firth with her.

  10. "You were so worth almost getting fired for."

  11. Fé - Come on, who WOULDN'T say that to you? -- That would definitely make my day.

    Sarah - Love it! TROUBLE!
