Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Read in October 2011

1. Fox Poems, 1998-2000, by Adrienne Rich
Not my favorite of hers.

2. Rose, by Li-Young Lee
Poetry. Romantic and image-driven. I posted a section from the long title poem.

3. Intuitive Eating, by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
I absolutely love their approach to recovering from the diet mentality (which I'd say almost every US American has, apart from actual dieting). Essentially, it's about re-learning to eat the way that we were born knowing how to: eating what our body wants when we're hungry and stopping when we've had enough. The book outlines their core principles (which are smart and kind and utterly sustainable) and the process of becoming an intuitive eater.

4. The Four Loves, by C.S. Lewis
Dense with insights. I could definitely read this again. Exposition on four categories of love — affection, friendship, romance, and charity — and what they show us about God, as well as the particular opportunities in each for idolatry. Anytime he mentions gender, he tends to say something misogynistic, though.

5. Riptide: Struggling with and Resurfacing from a Daughter's Eating Disorder, by Barbara Hale-Seubert
I had a lot to say about this book, so it'll get its own post soon.

6. The Beautiful Between, by Alyssa B. Sheinmel
YA, set in a Manhattan high school. Not terribly memorable, but written with heart.


  1. Hey, it's Kait, I have a new blog. :) I like these posts, I am forever looking for good things to add to my list of things to read. Keep doing these! Pretty please.

  2. Kait - Oh, thank you for that encouragement; I always wondering if I'm only doing them for myself. And what a pleasant surprise to see you again!

  3. I guess I'll have to read The Four Loves. It sounds good and I like C.S. Lewis although I must admit to being disappointed by the thought that he was a misogynist...I never noticed anything to that affect in the stuff of his I've read, though perhaps I'm not as attuned to it as you are.

  4. Jenica - Pretty standard for the times (or even OUR times, I suppose) -- unfortunately.

  5. I really thought The Four Loves was interesting; have to agree with you on Lewis and gender, though.

  6. Fé - That's validating to hear.
