Sunday, January 6, 2008


Shin splints. I've been practicing my hardshoe dances the last couple of days trying to get them into decent shape so I can take a class at my old school here in the city. That old sharp ache on the side of my shins is back with a fury. I guess I sort of deserve it for cramming like that. But still! As the Green Parrot would say: oh, expletive!
(By the way, if the picture puzzles you, know that those are bags of frozen vegetables. My family's preferred ice pack.)


  1. Ow. Shin splints are a nightmare. I really hope you feel better soon!

  2. My friend gets shinsplints and until this moment I thought that meant she had splints put on her shins.

    *roll* sometimes my genius surprises me.

  3. O-u-c-h! That sounds so painful! I hope urlegs feel better!
