Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"It's called Wednesday."

I finished The Miner's Daughter, by Gretchen Moran Laskas, just a little while ago. Lovely story. Review coming.

Yesterday I went on a field trip with my geology class to a variety of locations, including a peat bog where we got to walk on the peat mat over the water (wicked cool; we jumped simultaneously and felt it undulate a little) and Matthiessen State Park, where I saw Mennonites for the first time in my life and we hiked along a river in this beautiful sandstone canyon:

It was a lot of fun, although our prof hadn't warned us that we would actually be hiking...still, it turned out to be a good thing that I wore flip flops, even if I did have to wade through several inches of mud on various occasions, because I also got to wade in the river. :) Nice day. Oh, and I keep seeing out of the corner of my eye the rock I took from the canyon and thinking it's a biscuit (they had biscuits for breakfast this morning).
If you're using a feed reader, don't miss the poll I just put up. (It's about feed readers, you see. Heh.)
Mon...only a week and a half more of classes, then finals, then I go home.


  1. Fun.

    Ha, thanks for mentioning the poll; I would have missed it otherwise. ;)

  2. Nope, I'm just a blogger :). I have no idea what an LRRHer is! I've heard lots of people talk about it on their blogs, but I have no idea what the hecks it's about. Could you explain it to me, please?

  3. I use for my feeds. :)

  4. Patrice: LRRH is a forum for fans of Shannon Hale. :D

    That picture is so pretty!

  5. How very weird ... I saw the photo and thought, that looks familiar. I was there three weeks ago! :)
