Friday, May 16, 2008

The Ordinary Princess and Wildwood Dancing

And now, to get started catching up on all the books I've read recently...haha.

The Ordinary Princess, by M.M. Kaye (if you're very spoiler-wary, don't read the Good Reads summary) - a charming, quirky little quasi-fairy tale about a princess who was given the gift of ordinariness at her birth. I really enjoyed the plot...everything that happens, and especially the ending (I sighed happily), is just right.

The characters aren't terribly complex, but Princess Amy is a likeable protagonist if ever I met one, and the courtiers and family members surrounding her are woefully funny in their ridiculousness.

I'd especially recommend it to those who are well-read in fairy tales and fairy tale retellings (i.e. most or all of you, heh).The Ordinary Princess feels to me like a friendly wink or a little nudge at my fairy tale-loving self. Clever and sweet with a charming humor all its own, and at only 120 pages, all it asks of you is an hour and a half or so.

Grade: A-

Juliet Marillier's Wildwood Dancing because so many others have already read and reviewed it...I found it rather slow to get into, but after I made it through the first 150 pages or so I was pretty engrossed. The prose itself didn't strike me as anything special, and I do think it could have been tightened down in terms of length, but it was an exciting story, with especially strong characters (ooh, that Cezar drove me so crazy...) and a nice darkly magical feel. I didn't love it, but I thoroughly enjoyed it after I passed about the one-third mark. An interesting redrawing of a - or rather, several classic fairy tales.
I won't say too much on

Grade: B

Oh, and I found Summermoon's interview with Juliet Marillier very interesting - check it out, if you haven't!


  1. Ah, The Ordinary Princess is one of my favorite princess stories of all time! And I've been meaning to pick up Wildwood Dancing, so I'll have to get on that!
    P.S. In case you were curious, I'm a Squeetus-er and very occasional LRRH-er. :)

  2. i think i've read the ordinary princess, it was lovely! how funny :)
