Monday, June 9, 2008

Jenna Fox to become a movie...apparently?

The Adoration of Jenna Fox was released only about five weeks ago, but apparently it was optioned way back in February, and even has a director and a producer. Wow? I feel slow for not having read even the book while a movie's in the works!
[via Never Jam Today]

P.S. If you haven't read or watched J.K. Rowling's commencement address at Harvard, you really should.


  1. I kind of need to read that book.

  2. Likewise. The books that are really popular among the lit. bloggers, I never get to read until the excitement's died down.

  3. I've already read it. It's really good, but I'm surprised it's already been optioned for a movie. I wonder what the script'd be like? How would they explain everything?

    And that's all the questions I can voice now, without revealing any spoilers. Happy reading! (I'm a tad jealous:you get to read it for the first time! I'll never do that again.) ;)

  4. I say that to people about The Goose Girl - definitely the sign of an awesome book. :) (Hurry up, library...)

  5. I'm with you, Cuileann--I never get to them until the hype is over. Also, that commencement speech is a thing of beauty. I've been listening to it over and over since it came out.

  6. Oh mah goodness! Jenna to become a movie?
    I just really hope they don't mess it up...

  7. ...just dropping by to say how much I love the photo on your header. I miss that beach so much, and especially when it was moody outside, just as you show it...Oh and thanks for your comments on my site!
