Saturday, September 13, 2008

Roommate wanted

Yeah, I do have one already, but she fell asleep.

I'm sitting here in the dark in my underwear, wrapped up in Christmas lights with a fork stuck through my bun, listening to the Strokes on my headphones. The uncommon hours have the most intoxicating flavor - like that of the very best days, when I know in exactly which direction the adventure lies, like I'm simultaneously reading and following a delicious script, and everything hums with energy, or magic even. It'd be fun to bring someone along.

– 3:52 am


  1. That sounds absolutely magical. I love the fork in your hair. xD

  2. Actually, it was quite scary to come back from taking a lovely shower and find you thus appareled. The crazy look in your eye didn't help you look any less scary either. Oh well, you should just learn to join in the rest of the worlds sleep patterns and then you wouldn't have this problem :)
