Monday, February 23, 2009

Pointless post

I keep wanting to post, but I don't know what to say, or how to say what I want to say. Which is not to say that I have anything momentous to say.

And I need to get through the Poetry Friday links. Argh!

That's all.


  1. Aw - I know the feeling! It's so hard when you really really want to post but can't quite think of what you want to say...

    Sending some inspiration your way =)

    Bambola x

  2. I understand, I really wish i had a cool photo to show but I've been busy and when something awesome happens i don't have my camera with me.

  3. I totally know what you mean when you want to post but can't think of anything. For example: today. No ideas WHATsoever. :)

    Good luck with the Poetry Friday links!!!

  4. Such a sympathetic lot, you are. :)

  5. I can totally relate. Inspiration will come!
