Monday, March 2, 2009

Bonus truth: I do too many memes

Dear Q has tagged me for another one of those self-disclosure memes. Ten true things about myself that you didn't know.

Truth the first. I gave up makeup recently.

Truth the second. No one in my family knows I blog.

Truth the third. One of my favorite cures for an ugly me or ugly day is flowers for my hair.

Truth the fourth. On Saturday I received a beautiful gift from a friend. It made me feel beloved. Which is, I think, what a gift ought to do.

Truth the fifth. I think I had OCD when I was in middle school.

Truth the sixth. I have been in the entertaining role in too many circles of friends.

Truth the seventh. As far as I can tell, people always think I am younger than I am. The last time I bought shoes, the salesperson gave me a container of bubbles. (If you think this truth suggests that I should reconsider the decision of truth the first, go away.)

Truth the eighth. I have to pay close attention to keep myself from making a paper person out of myself on this blog. It's tempting because paper Cuileann seems much more likeable.

Truth the ninth. Even when I am horribly depressed, I can walk outside and think, Thank God I am in San Francisco! This city is truly my paradise.

Truth the tenth. I pride myself too much on my good taste.


  1. I did one of these on facebook not too long ago.

    I did your number one last year. I am like with you on number six; I'm the same way. I have the same problem as your number seven.

  2. Number seven made me laugh. :)

    And I can relate to number 6 and 10.

  3. You are awesome. I may have to try Truth the Third some time.

  4. A little after my 21st birthday, I had one of the plane crew ask me about my age (as to whether to get me a kids meal...)

  5. I don't know some people think i'm older and then some people think i'm older. My problem is apparently my face is stuck in the mad position and everyone thinks i'm mad a lot.

    I don't wear a lot of make-up, never have, i was a tom-boy when i was young and kinda still am. All i wear is foundation.

  6. Free bubbles? Now that is a good perk for people not realising your age!

  7. Yeah, I often get pegged as younger than I am. I'm sure I'll appreciate it someday, but now? Not so much. The rest of the list was wonderful as well.

  8. 7 - me too, and I for one appreciate it already because as an actress it's a VERY good thing too look younger than one's age.

    8 - again, me too.

    10 - Well I think your pride is warranted, you do have exceedingly good taste. ;)

  9. It's always nice discovering similarities when you do these things. :) I have a theory about the age thing that I will have to tell you about.

    Q - :) Do. I think it makes other people happy as well.

    Priya - I love to hear that friends of mine have visited San Francisco!

    Sara - Aaah, that's funny.

    pinkapplecore - I think my face's natural expression is somewhat worried/sad. Concerned people will ask me what's wrong when everything is quite fine.

    Bridey - Yes, I didn't mind the bubbles at all! :D They were ice-cream-scented even!

    Thanks, Gretchen. :)

    Erin - Re: acting, I have heard that. The actor/character age gap can be quite startling to me. And thank you, haha. My trouble is ascribing too much value to taste that really belong to principles...

  10. Good for you on number 1. I am not that brave.

    People always think I am younger than I am too. But if that delusion leads them to give you bubbles, I would say it's ok. I love bubbles. I always find that when I am babysitting I enjoy things like bubbles and crayons a lot more than the kids I am watching do.

    Flowers for hair is a near perfect fix to all kinds of ugly feelings.

    I miss you.

  11. It should be easier for me, considering I don't even wear anything besides mascara!

    Bubbles and crayons are awesome. That is entirely reasonable of you. I think there are many things that we are deprived of by adolescence before we love them the most. Naps, for example.

    Flowers in one's hair are also very San Franciscan... :)
