Friday, March 27, 2009

Today was not perfect

I woke up with a headache, someone was displeased with me, I am still catching up on linguistics reading. Today was not perfect, but it was underlain by a general state of okay, I think. And that's enough.

And now, to sit in the slanting early-evening sunlight, my fingertips cold from the tangerine I just peeled, writing a letter to a dear friend to tell her how happy I am—how lucky I am, and doubly so to be able to write that without any irony this time.


  1. It's been a bad day for me too. *hugs*

  2. Thanks Maya. *hugs* to you too.

  3. I liked this post, I'm sorry you had a headache...those are so annoying, but that you wrote to your friend...that made me smile. It reminded me I need to write to mine. Thanks, I hope you have a magical, extraordinary, wonderful weekend!

  4. More HUGS your way.

    Happy Friday!

  5. pinkapplecore - Thank you...I hope you have a marvelous weekend too. :)

    Cassandra - I like this attitude too; it's actually kind of atypical for me, haha. But thanks! :)

    Thanks, Shey! Happy Friday to you too!

    Priya - :) Oh good.

  6. it's been a bad week for me too, I've had headached all day long :(

  7. Mm, I'm sorry, Franco. :( I hope the headache will leave you alone after a good night's sleep, and that things start looking up this weekend.

  8. Hi! Thanks for visiting my page.

    Answer: Yes, that was my wedding. :)

    That's great that you like what you saw because I love sharing my recipes.

    Hope you'll have a great weekend!


  9. Being happy--or at least okay--on an imperfect day is the best anyone can ask for, I think...!

  10. Chin up! Everything will work out. Of course, you all ready found that out, though. :)

  11. Erin - I agree!

    Sarah [hope that is your name and I'm not remembering wrong!] - It is nice to actually believe it, isn't it? :)

  12. Gosh, I'm just getting over a migraine week myself. Is it atmospheric?

    These photos of yours are wonderful.

    You are (I fully believe this) destined for greatness.

  13. I loves you Cuil! And bad days happen to the best of us, shame really.

    And I love the last paragraph of this post.

  14. Beth - Thank you so much for your kind words. You are always so encouraging and uplifting!

    Danielle - Thank you! *glomps* :)

  15. love the photo and your words

  16. Sherry - Thank you. I am glad.

  17. It's been almost a year since this post-- how have you changed?

  18. Danielle - Wow, almost exactly a year. That is an excellent question. Let me think on that for a while.

  19. Isn't that crazy? And do take your time, I thought it seemed quite fitting.

  20. hugs to you. love the picture.

  21. Danielle - Not nearly as much as I changed in the year before this last one, meaning no 180s. I think I've been going in the same direction that I found last spring, but this year has seen the...testing of that. Harder circumstances to cement the ways that I worked to change myself.

    Inkgirl - thank yoouu. :)
