Thursday, December 31, 2009

In 2009, I...

decided to take a leave from my college in the Midwest

recovered from clinical depression and an eating disorder

worked in a doctor's office making as much per hour as my college-grad brother-in-law (muahaha)

funded, planned, and took a solo trip to Australia

registered my own domain

got pierced

stood in the Indian Ocean

found a major that I love (anthropoloGY!)

came into my own as a feminist

started taking good pictures

tested the waters of analogue photography, and fell accordingly in love with toy cameras

was a bridesmaid

developed an addiction to snail mail correspondence

saw Arizona for the first time

stood up on a surfboard


  1. what a good year this has been.
    here's to another.
    thanks for all the inspiration and the friendship, dearest.

  2. But was the surfboard in the water?

  3. Sounds like a pretty awesome year. I hope your 2010 is even better!

  4. I love your year. You have done so much. I could ramble and go on but I shan't bore you. I am so very proud of you my Holly.

    <3 xxx Happy New Year. May you have everything you never you knew you needed or wanted.

  5. Happy New Year! Looks like you had a great 2009.

  6. this is an amazing list, you have a lot to be proud of my dear. <3

  7. i need to go back and read more of australia. =D

  8. Looks like you had a great year :)

  9. you are one of the most beautiful people i know.

    this is an amazing list of accomplishments for a year. you have so much to be proud of.

  10. this is an incredible list. i'm so grateful to have been a tiny part of this year. here's to another year of a precious sister-ship/friendship! <3

  11. The Arizona part was especially amazing.

  12. Erin - The exact same thanks to you, 'Rin.

    Q - YES you can even ask Summermoon!

    Kez - It was...thank you!

    Bambola - Thank yooouuu my Livid.

    Priya - And Happy Twenty-Ten to you, Priya!

    Maya - Yes. :) Likewise, you Maya.

    minteva - Thank you, Mam. I really don't often think to myself, "I should be proud!" even when I am pleased, so it is good for me to hear it. :)

    phampants - Ah yes, that's right, I have seen you in front of the Opera House! Did you leave a bit of your heart there too?

    Rebekka-Jennie - I did indeed! I hope yours was full of joy and new things too.

    Anna-la - thank you, my love. that means much from you.

    gabi - oh Gabi, me too! Me too so much.

    geekspawn - Now let's see if the 2010 plot that's hatching on LRRH comes to anything...

  13. I back up the surfboard claim. I was there!

    Congratulations on a year well-used. :)

  14. Summermoon - The very same back at you, my dear.

  15. Awesome list, and well deserved for all of them!

    Happy New Year!
