The juice that moves under the skin of a wedge of mandarin orange. Like water in a blister. But delicious.
To see a maiko applying makeup. I don't even wear makeup, but the ritual of it enchants me.
Christmas tree shadows.
When I'm the last one awake and it's just the Christmas tree all lit up and me on my laptop, both of us in the dark house.
Carousel music.
Winter rains.
Astronauts, cosmonauts.
A roll of 35mm from a cheap childhood camera.
Finding out that certain plants in the holly family are highly caffeinated.
A small book called Green Angel which is half fable, half bedtime poem.
Lying on my bed with my cat after dinner, with "Into Dust" on repeat on my laptop, just spacing out sublimely.
I think cosmonauts is my new favorite word! ^. ^ hahaha