Sunday, February 28, 2010


Dream: You had whiskey, I washed my hair with it, tiny dry flowers grew in my hair. That's adultery, you said. Don't you mean vanity? I said. No, adultery.

My friend Camilla told me today, "You look really fancy and yet really scandalous." I was touched. Also, when I was pleading with her to try the wheat berry porridge, I said, "It's weird but good," she said, "Umm, kind of like you?"

(I do take note of cool things that people say about me. We all do the same with insults anyways; why not?)

I really do think Tumblr is my favorite thing on the internet. If the internet were food, then Tumblr would be chocolate.

I got back some pictures from my Holga, including these two. I took a couple portraits of my Hannah with which I am really pleased.

I'm through with my midterms and will be going home for spring break on Wednesday. After home, I will be making my first ever foray into the American South to visit my esteemed pen pal and bloggy friend PinkAppleCore. A few more things to finish up here, but life looks pretty good.

What's on your mind? How is your now looking?


  1. Squeal, I can't wait for you to come down here either. It's the only thing i'm really looking forward too....still have mid-terms this week...i'm not looking forward too.

  2. love the texture of those photographs.

    my now is a bit discombobulated but, eh, it's pretty good.

  3. oh and i AGREE about tumblr. all the way.

  4. pinkapplecore - oh, I hope they go well and are over soon, friend.

    Erin - Thank you. and I'm glad you understand about tumblr, heh. (also isn't discombobulation is a problem peculiar to people with full heads and hearts? so well done.)

  5. This is a really beautiful combination of words and pictures... I really love it. I saw the first picture and almost commented on it just because it thought it would be the best part, but then as I read it all just got better and better.

  6. Anna - Thank you so. I love especially to hear that you like something I've made/done.
