Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Camera/chai date

"I like your dress." "Thanks. I think it's going to be my purchase for the year."

This necklace [here] is my new favorite thing. It was a birthday gift from Livid.

Steph reading me a politically correct fairy tale. Have I told you that reading aloud is one of my favorite things ever?

I stole this shot from her. I mean, I took it, but she composed the shot first on her camera. Haha.

She discovered something: you can hold a Holga lens up to a point-and-shoot and it gives an awesome effect.


  1. pinkapplecore - Oh really? Heh!

  2. Come here and read aloud to me?
    I LOVE your new necklace! I'm jealous :)

  3. Sarah Louise - <3

    Gabi - I would (NO pun intended) absolutely love to. Perhaps I should do a read-aloud MP3 for a present to my blog readers?! :)

  4. Nice necklace. And wow, I really like these pics:]

  5. I love that necklace, too! And also reading aloud.

  6. Cool pictures. Looks like a fun day. :)

  7. *big kitten eyes* I canz come hang with awesome people with cameras and chai? Awesome combination! :D LOVE the lens effect with the point-and-shoot.

  8. ooh I like the reading MP3 idea!
    and what kind of politically correct fairytale were you reading?

  9. Milli - Thank you! :)

    Erin - Why did we not read aloud at The Sleepover? Next time.

    Danika - It was. :) Thanks!

    Edge - You would be MOST welcome. Darn geography...we'll remedy that sometime.

    Jenica - Hah! Maybe I WILL do it. That would be fun. It was "Little Red Riding Hood" from this book.

  10. Did you read more of the book? Hope you like it! :)

  11. aipingplum - I did! Nikki and Hannah and I read some more aloud that night!
