Saturday, April 17, 2010

Good medicine

I thought I'd compile a list of my favorite places to find people who are talking about body image, eating disorder recovery, etc.

Internet fiend that I am, I could hardly ignore the interwebs as a potential source of good body-image medicine for myself, and having done the finding, why not share?

Also stuck a few favorite relevant books on at the end.

If you know of something that should be on this list but isn't, please drop me a comment!

Body image:

Eating disorder recovery:
Recovery support: 
Blog posts:
And on Twitter, my list of recovery/body image tweeters.


  1. Why thank you for including me on such an illustrious list :)

  2. Poppy - Would have included your "sensible" blog if there were anything left of it! Haha.

  3. Hello, you are fast becoming one of my favourite bloggers! At the moment I am reading Eve Ensler - The Good Body which is all sorts of short stories about body image and pretty amazing I think:)

  4. The Pieces - Oh, thank you so much! :D I've added that to the list. Now I need to get my act together and finally read some Ensler!

  5. Also have a look at Operation Beautiful dot com, and You are Remarkable dot wordpress dot com :)

  6. Anonymous - Thanks! Have added. May have to join the project myself...:)
