Sunday, April 4, 2010

Journey to PinkAppleCorica, part two

I saw three different states in the few days that I'm with Stephanie: Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia. That's that for my second resolution for the year. Yay.

Stephanie prepared a vegetarian Southern feast one day, as she promised months ago in a letter to do if I ever made it to her home. Fried okra, cornbread, pinto beans, coleslaw, fried potatoes....mmm. And we enjoyed it with her grandparents. Real live Southern grandparents!

Steph's a real photographer in that you can tell she is most fully herself when she has a camera to her eye. She almost...transforms when she takes up her camera.

I loved seeing that. I love camera people.


  1. That picture with the blue bridge...was that in Tennessee?

  2. Edge - Yes! Have you been there?

  3. i may have already told you this, but these pictures take my breath away.

  4. Erin - Thank yoouu, Miss Erin. :D

  5. I have!! :D I recognized it from a couple years ago. That is so cool :) You can come visit me in the Texas-region of south anytime, btw :)

  6. Edge - Oh, sweet! I will probably take you up on that sometime! Texas is such a mythologized place; I've wanted since high school to see it for myself, if only so I can form my own opinions of it. Heh.

  7. I like the swing pic.

  8. aipingplum - Me too. :) Thanks.

  9. Yes. You absolutely should come :D Ooh. You AND Erin should come this summer. I think I would pretty much die of happiness.
