Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Things that are making me happy


the sweater shaver. you know what I'm talking about, I hope? anyways, I just finished using it on a jersey skirt which had gotten a little gross but now looks practically new. so awesome.

I got my phone fixed and now I have voicemail again, hallelujah, which means I can apply for jobs, double hallelujah

making bubbletweet @replies


being able to get everywhere by foot and public trans again

laughing about my old ballet teachers with Odessa, who now attends adult classes at my old ballet school!

a violet-flavored macaron

birthday rooibos

the Kenneth Branagh film adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing

time for leisure reading

being frugal. the less money spent on stupid things, the more to spend on worthwhile things. like, say...an opportunistic trip to Greece!

getting some film from earlier this year developed. there's always an element of suspense with film, but after a couple months it gets to be a kind of time capsule.

cutting stuff out and gluing stuff in


  1. Oh the sweater shaver, gah that thing is huge. when I was a kid they used to make them so small. I loved watching my mom roll it around a sweater. the humming noise.

  2. pinkapplecore - Oh, hah, that one is kind of huge, isn't it? *picks a new one to link* I'm blogging on my computer with the broken screen right now so I couldn't see it that well. :P

  3. I'm leaving for a trip to Greece the day after tomorrow :)

  4. Priya - Ah, really?! How wonderful! With your family, or school, or...? Please remember lots of details for us!

  5. It's always so great for us all when you are happy.

  6. Oh! Pretty food.

    Also, "Leonato's SHORT daughter!" Kenneth Bran-nan-igan. Brill.

  7. My goodness, a clothes shaver! For pilling I guess? Why not! Good list :)

  8. wait, so are you really going to Greece?

  9. I love how your things that make you happy create this whole world around you, sort of like a massive Polyvore set of you :)

  10. Beth Kephart - secretsmiles across the room

    Amber - One of MANY lines that made me lol.

    The Pieces - Yes, precisely. It's one of the awesomest insignificant inventions everr...

    Jenica - Nah. Maybe if I get a job this summer. Greece is just so dang cheap right no. So! Dang! Cheap!

    Edge - Dude, I LOVE that description!

  11. greece! how exciting. do it! i'll be you're enabler :)

  12. odessa - YES i always wanted one of those. thank you, my friend!

  13. oh to take off to Greece on a whim...

  14. Kate - whim trips are the loveliest.

  15. Much Ado <3 listen: Sigh No More by Mumford and Sons. Serve God, love me, and mend. One of my favorite Shakespeare lines.

    and your bubbletweets are so freaking adorable.

  16. Erin - Ahh, I like that song! Thank you for the recommend. And I agree. A wonderful line. <3
