Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The BMI Project.

Swimming pool photography: here and here.

Inspired by Iceland

Listen. Emiliana Torrini-esque vocals plus harp.

The Ultimate Flickr Picture.

Let the record show, the Beatles are pro-pantsless. (You already know that's the team I'm on. Harhar.)

And a San Francisco story from Beth.


  1. >:O What the fluff! I just looked at the flickr group for the BMI project...more than half of the people labeled as "over weight" looked normal.

    I read an article once I wish i could find it again. But it was talking about skinny fat people. Basically it was about how yes a girl might be a size 2 but she might be all fat...have no muscle at all. But on the other hand a girl could be a size 8 and be all muscle and no fat. It's not the number on the measuring tape it's how you treat your body. I mean really if you think about how much wear and tear our bodies go through and to repay them we subject them to something so vain as a pants size...

  2. Loooove those underwater photos. mmm.

  3. Ditto Erin, the underwater photos are lovely.

  4. pinkapplecore - So well said, my dear.

    Erin and Priya - I adore the underwater feel. Swimming is my number one destressor.
