Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Things that are making me happy

the smell of flour.


streusel topping.

the feel of a toy camera. light, plasticky, and practically hollow. but you put film in it. it will take pictures for you. imagine that.

tea and Haight-strolling with my brother-in-law

"I'm trying to jiggle my belly around so she'll move." <— my pregnant sister said this.

magdalenas and bedtime tea.



my Ellie.

contentment with my cameras and wardrobe.


  1. love. your blog makes ME happy!
    it was your that dug out your old gameboy yes? you inspired me to get mine out too, and now i am pokemon yellow-obsessed again! haha.
    when you come back we should make pinhole cameras. i've always wanted to try but need some motivation to go to all that effort ;) heh.

  2. minteva - whaa, truly? pokemon yellow sisterhood!!! i agree, that would be fun. i made one in physics in high school but totally don't remember the principles.

  3. hee :) yay!
    a beautiful mess did a tute a lil while ago, it doesn't look toooo hard.

  4. minteva - i'm sure we can figure it as long as someone else tells ma what calculations to do, ha.
