Saturday, July 17, 2010


Baby deer in Muir Woods.

I have a herd of glow-in-the-dark sheep on my ceiling since seventh grade.

Koala from the Perth Zoo has lost his "I <3 Australia" vest and his arm's a bit dislocated but he's still there.

A girl in a rabbit hat playing wine glasses. Yes, of course!

Hipster tracks in the line for the bathroom.

A sculpture at my summer college that I liked.

Waking up from a delicious, too-long afternoon nap.

This wall was really high on one side. Too scary to walk out any farther with a camera in my face.

My space heater is one of my favorite non-persons.

Community college looks like my high school, basically.

I like bicycle shadows.

Long summer evenings...sometimes the fog even goes away.


  1. there is something really lovely and dreamy about the coupling of the first two photos.

  2. Erin - I feel like I need glow-in-the-dark deer on my ceiling.

    The Pieces - Yes, Em (lickmycupcakes Em) and her husband took me and insisted I have some kitsch for my keyring, bless them.

  3. These are beeeeee-autiful photos! And thank-you very much for your comment over at Frock & Roll, Holly! My business cards are ridiculously simple, with just a photo of myself and my contact details, but I'll probably be posting a picture of them next week once my new ones arrive! :D

  4. Oooh, these are really nice. I love the first one and the last one.

  5. Corrine - Thanks, miss!

    Priya - I do love that golden afternoon light getting the summer transplant to dinnertime.

  6. Hey there, I just wanted to let you know that I renamed my blog and blog address.

  7. Aren - Thanks for telling me. So pleased to hear it. :)

    Meleonie - Thank you! I just got a new camera, which made a biiig difference. :)

  8. Hey, thanks for the kind and thoughtful response to my post on native fashion! I wrote a response to your comment that I was going to leave here, but it ended up being kinda long so I posted it as a response on my original article.

    Also, is that a picture from the Corpus Callosum show at Amnesia? Small world.

  9. Nrrrd Grrrl - Yes! Wow, crazy. I didn't even notice you were from San Francisco, and we were at the same [tiny] concert?!
