Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Every day is a year and afternoon the falling of summer

I love my room.

Right after I took this picture, she flipped the blend button and we found out it didn't work.

Hummus and smoothies in someone else's backyard.

Bri is a ghost again. It's very strange that it turned out so, because she was just standing in front of the window. Because it was dark, I suppose.

CVS is usually fine about scanning, so I'm forgiving them these...


  1. can i buy the one of you and bri in the mirror?

  2. i love your room. and those teacups *swoon*
    and i miss you. i'm glad your settling back quiet well.

  3. the airport picture looks like it could be the subject of an edward hopper painting.

  4. odessa - :) thank you. me too.

    pinkapplecore - fortunately my room here is by far the best dorm room I've had yet, so I don't mourn mine at home!

    Shaun Hume - thanks for stopping by! glad you enjoyed them.

    hobbit - the man with his back to us? I didn't notice him. I'm annoyed with the angle of that one...
