Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happiness and gratitudes

^that. I took two. they're ripening a bit more by my window at present.

[other] people who've been in therapy, the kinds of compliments they gave, and the things that qualify as accomplishments in the therapy/therapized setting.

when strangers with a mutual friend get into a conversation with each other in that friend's Facebook status or photo comments.

the color of English Breakfast tea against the silver of the spoon

that part in Aladdin, right before he's almost drowned—where he says good night to Jasmine and she draws the curtain, and then there's this whirl of music as he throws himself back onto Carpet with this exultant sigh and it's exactly how it feels when you have a crush and it's going well. you know the part I mean, right?

homemade granola from Hannah.

the color of clouds at night.

finishing papers.

having my bicycle back, and late-summer late-afternoon bike rides.

brown sugar.

a call in the middle of a really late night, from a friend who's up late for the very same reason—working on the very same paper.

reading Rilke aloud to myself. I can't imagine how a translator even begins to try to salvage the music of it. "...zu einem zweiten zeitlos breiten Leben."

mind rhyme. CLEVER. I may start trying to use this in my missives and speech, even when there's no dirty punchline.

finally returning to the The Dark is Rising sequence. I'm in the middle of The Grey King right now. oh my word, it is such a brilliant series of books. something about the tone is perfect and unlike any other fantasy I've read.


  1. Are those books really good? I could never get past the first few chapters, for some reason...

  2. geekspawn - a number of people have told me the exact same thing. yes, I think they're wonderful, and I do recall feeling similarly about the beginning of The Dark is Rising. worth sticking with it, oh yes.

  3. Reading this made me emit a happy sigh... I love being privvy to those facebook encounters even more than ending up in one... and that you actually look at the colour of clouds at night... brown sugar definitely.

  4. I occasionally eat brown sugar by the spoonful...it's the best.
    Aladdin is also the best!

  5. thank you for reminding me that there is always goodness all around. i needed to remember that right now.

  6. Afthi - yes, it is almost sweet to see strangers so amiable even without commitment, isn't it? :)

    Jenica - I so did that a couple days ago. high five.

    red-handed - the magic of molasses + sugar. and I don't recognize your name, so thank you for stopping by...!

    aipingplum - ah, I hope you are well, my dear.
