Sunday, September 5, 2010

Read in August 2010

1. Manufacturing Depression: The Secret History of a Modern Disease, by Gary Greenberg
An thorough history of depression and the treatment thereof, an exploration of the way we construct depression, and an investigation into our current antidepressant-loving culture. The material's pretty dense, so it's none too quick a read, even with the author's semi-conversative tone. I read this with a lot of invested curiosity, given that I myself was on antidepressants until earlier this year—though that's nothing very rare or special—and I have reconsidered a lot of what I previously accepted about antidepressants and depression since reading it. 

2. Beating Ana, by Shannon Cutts
This is the foundational workbook in the eating disorder recovery community where I mentor. Despite the title, none of it is specific to anorexia nervosa. The exercises are very worthwhile, regardless of how far along in recovery one is.

3. The Afflicted Girls, by Nicole Cooley
A collection of poems about the Salem witch trials, from the points of view of women and girls on both sides of the accusations. They're pretty affecting, but I think what is most notable and original about them is the highly gender-conscious way they deal with themes such as religion, voice, body, and self.

4. A Little Exercise for Young Theologians, by Helmut Thielicke
Read this for school. A good preliminary to my general education theology class—essentially, some cautionary advice on how to avoid letting one's studies of theology turn one into an ivory-tower Christian.

Read any of these? What have you been reading lately, and how's it been?


  1. Yes, yes, yes! This post went straight to my heart. By the way I'm an ENFP- similar! I'm not going to lie, I'm a little envious that you are the same as Amelie!
    Your comment was a delightful little surprise- do leave more!

    Until next time!

  2. Lexi - I have attracted a surprising number of ENFP friends. my second favorite type. teehee.
