Wednesday, November 10, 2010

in the meantime

in the meanwhile? in the middle and the waiting? in the hopes
between the loss and the coming of the new thing,
faith will be our food
don't forget what you have imagined, hope depends on the imagination
and waiting also is holy,
the in-between is sacred too,
the empty spaces will not always be so.
all will come to fruition. all is coming to fruition.

peace and faith to you tonight,


  1. good lord, holly. i needed that just now.

  2. Faith and Gabs - I wrote it because I needed it, but I posted it because I was sure there must be someone else who did. <3 you two.

  3. "hope depends on the imagination" :) yes it does. thank you for this.

  4. just the way you think is a poem.


    the urban explorers are gone

    something else happened in the meantime

    and yet the book became the book

    you know what I mean

  5. this. is what i needed to read right now.
    this is what i need to remember these coming days.
    thank you <3

  6. Beth - ahh okay. shall release them from my expectations and anticipate seeing what else happened, then.

    Erin - and thank you.

  7. pretty words :) and pretty new blog look!
