Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ohio, part three: burying ground

Part the last. The direct morning light was too bright for the film in my camera.

Speaking of film, I am about an hour from catching my train to my plane to California for Christmas break, and I have my flatbed scanner (the one that scans negatives) in my one piece of luggage, the carry-on...haha. I don't want to pay other people to scan my film for me when I have my own, and it's not like I can wait three weeks to see what my developed negatives are OF.


  1. The first two are breathtaking.

  2. Heidi - Isn't it? I knew when I saw it that I would have to return with a camera. We don't have cemeteries like this in the Bay Area.

    Jenica - Thank you! I think if it were evening rather than morning light, the gravestone shadows would start to look creepy.

    Bridey - Thank you. :)

  3. Shokoofeh - Thank you! New places are so inspiring, aren't they?
