Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happiness and gratitudes

Free on-campus tech support. Those dear Geeks saved my computer from a virus Monday morning. Now I want to bake them a cake or send them an anonymous love letter.

Sweet connections with new blogger friends, like Dawn and Holly.

That I have one genuine spiral curl on the right side of my face.

Giselle Roselli.

My Chicago girl is coming to spend the night on Friday!

Feeling my face relax over the course of a meditation.

And I ran across some free guided meditations which I like.

Looking forward to my dreams as I'm falling asleep.

Being reminded that my thoughts and encouragement are meaningful to others.

My department. Soc/anth here is a small, tight community of some of the coolest people on this campus (in my opinion). And there's always hot water in the office for tea, which is no small perk for a tea addict whose electric kettle just croaked.

Noticing how much more flexible my back has gotten over the past year or so, and being able to do a yoga pose I didn't used to be able to do.

Miniature eclairs.

A three-way Skype date with Erin and Belle. And dancing over Skype.


  1. I will help you bake that cake. Except if we can find cupcake tins maybe we should do those, because we could get a wider distribution that way--like, everyone who's made you happy recently, including the tech support peeps.

    Can we do a skype date with Erin and Belle whilst I am there? I am WICKED excited. I keep thinking of all the things I want to do/talk about.

  2. Girl - I have a cupcake tin! A small one, a sixer. We can bake magdalenas if you like. Re: Skype, we can and shall.

  3. Haha dancing over skype...I bow to your awesomeness.

  4. Jenica - So fun. If you have the right person for such a Skype date, I challenge you to try it.

  5. Aaah, I missed this in the sudden flood of and my lack of reading blogs the past day or so (I've been totally distracted by a pokemon game hehe oldschool or what?)
    It warms my heart to know that you consider me a new friend - Really. I've thought you were awesome from the start and I'm glad I commented saying "Oh another Holly!" so we could get to know each other more.
    Call me a soppy sod, but I've found it's better saying these things than not :) specially as I'm usually not very good with words of gratitude or expressing in general in that sense.
    Thank you

  6. Haha...YES! The tech geeks at Wheato are awesome!! I felt the same way as you and actually did bake them cookies once. :) You should definitely one up me and send a love letter...

  7. Holly - Yes, I am really pleased that we bumped into each other. Sometimes I feel that all the blogs out there are just volume and work to read, but when you meet a kindred spirit in spite of great distances, it is just sweetness and good conversation and, yes, warm fuzzies. <3 (I played Pokemon Yellow on my old Gameboy for much of last July; high FIVE!)

    aipingplum - challenge ACCEPTED. :D

  8. skype dates and dance parties ftw! thank you two for saying hi this evening, and I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer. <3

  9. Erin - eh well, I'm going to visit her later this semester, and there's always three-way video chats.

  10. Your happy lists make me happy. :) So do you.

  11. Edge - Aw, shucks...*kicks dirt*
