Monday, February 21, 2011

For this spring, a single volume of poetry

I bought a book yesterday. I don't do this often, so when I do I feel like an actor in a beautiful movie. The cashier said, "Her books have the best titles. I can't think of that, ah, what is that one..." But when I was walking out the door, she called after me, "A Wild Patience Has Taken Me This Far!"

My mom told me that when she was newly moved to the city and had half a Victorian flat and not much money, she would walk to the grocery store and buy yogurt for herself once a week as a treat. I thought this was weird and mildly pathetic when I was a teenager; what kind of life is it if a container of yogurt is a luxury?

But: trees dropping apples which change their minds and end up not falling so far. I'm older and have decided that simplicity is not only more enjoyable but also more interesting and substantial than decadence. And for breakfast once every other week or so—I have Greek yogurt. Sweetened with honey. By virtue of being set against a landscape of oatmeal and of being anticipated and bought just one at a time, it does become a luxury. I savor it so, just as my mother must have.


  1. Glad you posted today, I was thinking about you :)

  2. ohhh i love adrienne rich. i have her anthology the fact of a doorframe- we studied her in high school. <3

  3. I like simple, and not just for the easy factor I mean visually I enjoy simple pieces, simple lines in furniture, simple meals. It's just the bees-knees

  4. Love the image of the book in your hand making you feel like "an actor in a beautiful movie."

    Although I write, my day job is teaching, and I'm going to pass that one on to my students.

    Another encouragement to read.

  5. :) I like this post.

  6. if you wrote a book I'd publish it. (not just hypothetical.)

  7. Dawn - Ohw, thanks...<3

    minteva - I remember you posting some poems by her. Should I read that? I really loved this one (obviously, as I only buy two or three non-textbook books a year!).

    pinkapplecore - 1) It is fantastic that you just said "the bee's knees" 2) I agree, aesthetic simplicity is my team all the way.

    Shelley - Thank you--I smiled reading that.

    aipingplum - I believe you understand, you with your honey-cinnamon toast.

    sui - Wow, thank you! I kinda wish there were a book in my head that needed to be written...there isn't right now, though I expect even if there were, I wouldn't be able to see it behind all the academic stuff.

  8. This whole post makes me so simply happy.

  9. Nice post. You might try reading one poem each day as a special treat, too. I don't know that I could go a whole week without treating myself!

    It really is the small things that make you happy in the long run.


  10. I love when I feel like an actor in a beautiful movie. Happy yogurt eating to you!

  11. geekspawn - Faith, I am glad.

    Jennifer - Oh, I couldn't either. I read every night in bed; that's my treat--assigned books are not permitted. Thanks for stopping by. :)

    Jenica - Why, thank you.

  12. I love what she yelled after you, and how it could be taken as more than just a book title.

  13. Erin - Haha, of course you would. It did take me a few seconds to process.
