Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Closing remarks on summer classes in Wisconsin

Even though there were kind of a lot of us in one room with not much privacy, my cabinmates made a cool thing happen with all of us. It makes me hopeful about the possibilities of Christian community and female community. And I learned some things about meeting people, especially about the rewards of accepting and respecting and being patient with people I don't think I can like: namely, glimpses of who and why they are, and some returned respect and goodwill.

I got to study by headlamp, which was a strange and excellent experience.

I loved the lake best.

I couldn't choose what to eat, or when; I couldn't prepare my own food; I couldn't eat alone (and I knew only one person when I came). These things freaked me out at the beginning. But I got through it.

And my anthropology class, which met in the little one-room library, was the awesome cake underneath all these toppings. I pwned some discussions, chewed over some important new brainfoods with my classmates, and got to ask my professor some personally urgent questions.


  1. you peaked my curiosity with "ask my professor some personally urgent questions".

    I love the picture of the lake. I love how it looks like it could be an old photograph. It has character :)

    And congratulations on making it through meals like that. It says more than you realize about how far you have come in your recovery. Keep up the good work! Proud of you!

  2. Dawn -

    Things only somewhat related to the course but very much in his area, like: Is it possible to use privilege to end inequality?

    Thank you so much...I really appreciate your encouragement and the reminder to look at the long-term picture.

