Monday, August 8, 2011

Happiness and gratitudes

[my big sister's bouquet from her wedding]

• A fresh-to-me Jaclyn Moriarty (epistolary!) novel.

• Accompanying Miss Erin to a screening of a movie she acted in. Such an honor and a treat.

Mad Men being made available on instant streaming on Netflix.

• The Suburbs.

• The curative powers of journaling.

• Dates with chèvre.

• Visiting with my big sister and bro-in-law and their fantastic baby, who has the best smile I think I've ever seen.

• Confidence and faith.

• Swimming in the ocean after a long, hot, hassling day.


  1. I'm glad you had your ocean swim. And it was an honor and treat to have you with me!

  2. Erin - :) Only wish you had too!

  3. i too have been watching mad men on netflix!

    and i love the suburbs!! so good. last summer that's all i listened to! i'm gonna go listen to it right now!

    i've been eating lots of zahidi dates. they are really good!

    confidence and faith - i'm working on those things. definitely not easy. but i'm workin'

    thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog btw, you always make me think!

  4. I feel honored when I make it on to your happiness and gratitude list. =) Love you!

  5. Having a stupid painful day today and it is nice to come here - yours is a restful and meaningful space. Thanks. Which Jaclyn Moriarty book? I can never decide which is my favourite.

  6. Unknown (Meg) - Love you too, a lot.

    Amber - Hey, that was a really nice thing to hear. Thank YOU. The Moriarty was Feeling Sorry for Celia. I think The Ghosts of Ashbury High is my favorite, but I really adore them all.
