Thursday, December 15, 2011

Goodbye, Chicago

I don't love this city, and of course it feels better to leave than to be left, but still it's not simple leaving it.

I'm returning to San Francisco today. My home-city. Maybe for a few months, maybe for forever. I don't know — we'll see.


  1. I know what you mean about leaving versus being left both = hard for different reasons! Good luck on the next great adventure

  2. ciao...

    which is such a great word for being neither a sterile goodbye or hello, but both and everything in between.

    also, thanks to google:

    Machs gut! Alles Gute! Bis zum nächsten Mal!

  3. The west coast is, as they say, the best coast. Welcome home! :)

  4. Joy - Thank you! :D I love you saying it like that.

    Noël - Tausend Dank!

    Sarah - Thank you, my northern neighbor! It is so, so good to be here by the sea again...and indefinitely even...

  5. that's a beautiful picture, hols.
