Sunday, July 22, 2012

Gratitudes + things that are making me happy


• the smell of beeswax candles

• the smell of green tea oil

• "walking" on Google Maps Streetview around the neighborhood in Australia that will be mine

• my friend Steph coming to visit (and letting me play with her camera, whee)

• a fresh volume of Adrienne Rich

• letters

• presents

• pre-dawn and dawn

• doughnuts from Pepples

• discovering a chai vendor downtown — chai as in the kind you get in an Indian restaurant, not the kind you get in Starbucks with "latte" appended to its name

• hydrangeas

• Beach House

• a strand of simple round beads, anytime

• using a knife to do scissor tasks (feeling vaguely badass)

• warm socks in a chilly house

Andrea Gibson live


  1. these are some of the bestest reminders of the sweetness of life.

  2. Beth - Indeed the sweetness that is in the details can be counted on...

  3. oh this is a liebchin list. "walking" on a Google map sounds fun.


  4. SL - You should try "returning" to Poland or similar. :)

  5. Amen to Andrew gibson live, hydrangeas, Steph's camera, holly's pics on Steph's camera, presents--esp stuffed tofus and cupcakes, and Steph's visit to holly's stomping grounds! <3 u! midnight snack/vid-chat soon, please!
