Friday, August 17, 2012

Dancer and mansion and drooping pine


I like dancers, the things you catch them doing in in-between moments. It's like they're speaking in verse while everyone else is stuck in prose mode. This is my newlywed friend's sister.


  1. :)

    I've noticed that about dancers too. I love how free their demeanour is; how comfortable with their bodies they often seem.

    Congrats to your friend!

  2. being in prose is good, too. ;P jk.

    but yes, i know what you mean. you can always tell if someone is a dancer by the way they move about the world. there's a certain lightness.

  3. Oksana - :) That's one thing I'd like to retain even as my actual dancing muscles hava all atrophied away.

    odessa - Heh, yes, it is. Even poetry-lovers need a healthy mix of both.
