Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ghosts and nostalgia / dancing and panic

After a hot shower, which is the best thing one one has a head cold, as my hair was drying, I lay on my bed in my underwear and listened to "Two" by The Antlers several times through, wanting to catch that part where he sings, Two ways to tell the story, because I needed to hear that part today.

I have always loved watching the play of afternoon light across my ceiling, no matter where my bedroom was. And there is something very soothing about the exercise of beginning a sentence with that phrase, "I have always loved..." or "I have always liked..." Something to say, I am here, I am all of me here, all twenty-three-and-a-half years, I have not been made new and thrown away every year — if I have been inconstant and filled with fear over the years about the ways in which I seem to leave myself behind, tear myself away, the days when I feel like someone has sent my body off walking without me and sent it back with unfamiliar clothes, a haircut I do not recognize — well, even then it has not been quite as terrible as I thought, not so terrible as to keep me from being able to remember and describe myself, my constancy, in some ways.

When I am confused in those ways about what I have done, the ways I fear I have flown off away from myself or whether I have, I practice telling the story in different ways, in stages, a different version for each friend, a different version to mull over each day. Was this what happened? and each time, hesitantly, some statement of truth about myself to try on.

I was full of love and hate. Hate, and I loved it. I did exactly what I wanted. I wanted everything.

Just some fun. Just a laugh.

I feel myself floating away under the memory of strange hands. Empty flesh. Bold and stupid. Throwaway girl.


November 24, 2012, 4:49p


  1. "I have always loved watching the play of afternoon light across my ceiling, no matter where my bedroom was. And there is something very soothing about the exercise of beginning a sentence with that phrase..." - Love this so much.

    Keep writing, Holly.

  2. Beth - I am endlessly flattered! Thank you!

    Odessa - Thank you so much. <3

  3. I love 1.

    I've missed your writing! It has this quality of (nearly scientific) rationality yet creativity (or perhaps they're just not mutually exclusive!) that is uniquely you(rs) :)

  4. sui - it's because I am the perfect balance of INFP and INTP. ;) thank you, friend.

  5. I forget that sometimes. I like to think you're on the F side completely ;)
