Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Gratitudes + things that are making me happy


• Replacing crackers in my diet with fresh bread

• Work calming down in the wake of Thanksgiving

• Reading Frankenstein with my college best friend

• Brewing full teapots of tea instead of just one mug's worth

• Drinking tea in the shower

• Homemade mashed potatoes

• The nearly magical benefits of some stretching time during the workday

• Rain clouds

• Experimenting with buying as many of my gifts locally as possible

• Also experimenting with a non-perfectionist attitude towards choosing gifts, in the interest of not having quite so many left to buy at the last minute

• My oldest niece asking for a diary for Christmas. As someone with a cherished journaling habit of nearly twenty years, I could not be more touched.

That hygge book

• An unexpected field trip with a coworker to stop by a customer in the middle of the day today - a short drive by the water with a Beach House soundtrack. Delighful!
• Early bedtimes to make up for late ones


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks ❤️ I wrote lists like this several times a month in the old blogging days, for years! A favorite worth picking back up.

  2. well, I love this. of course. (though not just because it's a list) :)

    why am I not brewing full pots of tea? must amend that immediately.

    1. Especially in winter, it's always nice to HAVE to drink more tea. :)
