• Several days of spring-like, hopeful weather to remind me that life is even better sometimes than I remembered it could be
• The sound of palm trees in the wind, especially at night
• Seeing flowering broccolini for the first time, and learning that it is a sign of deliciousness
• Wild beautiful front yards with humble ordinary houses inside them
• Sprinting to make a crosswalk light at the end of a jog
• Plants that remind me of Australia
• Eating tangerines in Hebrew class
• Magnolia blossoms and plum blossoms
• A subway busker with a bright green clarinet
• Flowering rosemary
• A new issue of Womankind to read on my breaks at work
• So many stripey shirts
• My carpool to work, and working on my knitting to stay sane when we are stuck in traffic
• An excellent clothing swap among a few friends
• Not starting work earlier than I'm scheduled to - occupying myself with a book, my journal, etc. if I arrive early
• Getting better at leaving work shortly after when my day is scheduled to end. Being realistic about what can wait, and doing what can't wait earlier in the day.
• Waxed fabric wraps for food
• Potato carrot onion soup
• Weekend snuggles
• Drifting away from Goodreads a bit, and recording my reading more in my own journal