Sunday, May 24, 2020

Some favorite links of late

Poems for a pandemic, from Leonie Wise.

This article on the process of translating Harry Potter into Yiddish was fascinating and delightful, and I recommend it to anyone who likes Harry Potter and/or languages at all.

"Lavender Beringia" - I'm so glad Em is still blogging and making things like this five-paragraph little magic/imagining.

I have really been digging Not Buying Anything's thoughts in general on the lockdown life, and this post, "Will We Stop to Save Mother Earth?" particularly stirs me:

"Right now the world has stopped doing lots of 'extra but nice to have' things to save ourselves. I wonder - will we do the same to save Mother Earth, and ultimately ourselves?
"We will do it to save ourselves an loved ones from a virus, but will we do it to save the Earth? Will we stop to save ourselves in the long run?
"We will have regrets if we don't take advantage of this time in history when things are ripe for turning things toward simpler, slower, and more sustainable ways."

"How Dancers Maintain Their Well-Being in Quarantine" - Some things interesting about the economic and business realities of dance, and some things poignant about how dancers are persevering in making dance art. I really recommend the two SF Ballet videos.

I ran across such a nice, practical, useful answer to the question: "How can I read more?" It is especially for people who used to read more than they do now.


  1. !! Thank you for the shout-out :) And thank you for the last link -- I've been trying to get myself to read more, and it's good to get some practical advice on the topic.

    1. Well, thank you for writing!! :)

      I still read a lot more than most adults probably, but am campaigning always for more of it and less of (whatever I end up doing instead), so I appreciated her advice for myself as well.
