My mother took me paddleboarding on the bay as a belated birthday gift.

And she also gave me my first wrapped present of the year. (Of course, given the times, the rest of my birthday gifts came by mail directly from the manufacturers.)

A small but treasured garden near my work.

Some nice signs that appeared in my neighborhood ahead of Independence Day. I don't know if they stopped anyone, as we still had fireworks galore around us, but I appreciate them anyways. The one above inspired my girlfriend to make the one below.

Luscious pink hydrangea giant.

Does anyone know what this fruit is?

Gigantic magnolia blossoms - heavenly to me.

Twilight walks.

And morning walks, with admiration for these glories.

The seeds of a yellow watermelon I ate look like this.

Lovely cat neighbors.

Asian pears growing in the neighborhood - among so many other fruits. Persimmons, apricots, artichokes, grapes...!

There was a third cat who ducked away when I approached with my camera.

My CSA has been showering me with heirloom tomatoes. Here: Purple Cherokees and Solar Flares.

So: fresh incredible tomatoes (can't remember if this was a Purple Cherokee or an Early Girl) with salt, and nectarines, both raw off the cutting board.

Neighbor kitty. Margo.

Gorgeous skies. Afternoon walks too.

Glassblower's mural.

Summer evening vibes, shadows, light.

Cape gooseberries. So cute! And interesting taste.

Overflowing bougaivillea.

The nectaplum. Incomparable.

Then for my mother's birthday, I baked this cake to eat outside, socially distanced, with her and my girlfriend, graced also by the company of such trees as below.


My first hike alone, ever.

There was a lot of climbing, and a lot of view (and wind) to enjoy.

Potatoes for breakfast.

And the other neighbor cat (or kitten, really)! Asoka.
(I lost track of time, and now it's almost time for the August p&s photo album!)
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