I've made yeast bread before, but only a few times, quite a long time ago, and with my mom.
With everyone taking up bread-baking this year, even my little sister (who never bakes) tested out a recipe that she proclaimed "idiot-proof" and encouraged me this week to try. I went for it on Wednesday.
After all the Great British Bake Off that I've watched in recent months, bread seemed very intimidating and fiddly. But this turned out just fine - and was a pleasant process. And I remembered more than I thought I would from my few bread experiences with my mom.
So that's a nice reminder for me to do homemade things, even if I think the result will be mediocre (though really, how bad can a loaf of gluten taste?).
Non-aesthetic photo:

(My girlfriend just leaned over and asked, "What are you blogging about? Am I in it?" She suggests that I might include a bread testimonial from her.)
"I think it's grand!"
- my girlfriend