November is by far the busiest month of the year in my industry (because of the dread Thanksgiving). Thank goodness, thank goodness that's over and I can look forward to some time to breathe now.
To get through the final push of this week, I decompressed with an old favorite book, one that I haven't reread in years and years - Enna Burning, by Shannon Hale.
In a roundabout way, she is the author who got me blogging. I was part of her ferociously active little fan forum, Little Red Reading Hood (est. 2006), and a number of the girls and young women there had blogs as well whose comment sections became another way of hanging out and chatting.
What about you - do you remember who or what (if applicable) got you started blogging?
I wrote a comment and my phone ate it. I started a blog because Val had one. She was an early librarian friend who lived in my neighborhood. And in the comment, I tried to figure out where I met her and the only thing I can come up with is on the bus. We were in a great community of bloggers that lasted until Facebook took over. We did weekly photo challenges and all read each other's blogs daily. One of ours died a few years ago of cancer.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds so lovely and positive. I love that you stayed in touch.
DeleteIn my early teens, I was active on a site called Writer's Cafe and that sort of naturally transitioned into creating/maintaining a blog. I wasn't really in a community of bloggers but I remember using StumbleUpon to find other writing forms/blogs. Nt many of those blogs seem to be around anymore, unfortunately :(
ReplyDeleteThat is charming. I feel the urge to say something curmudgeonly like, "That sounds scads better than being active on a site called Facebook in one's early teens." Which is related to why not many blogs of the old kind are around anymore, of course, as Suzi noted above...
DeleteHow did our paths first cross, do you remember? I feel like you found Erin/Miss Erin Marie/mimagirl first.
I am so happy when I do run across a cluster of true active civilian bloggers these days. Thankfully we do still seem to cluster (or is it huddling together for warmth in the icy winds of a barren blogosphere? Hah).
P.S. I'm remembering less charming things of that era, like those poetry sites where you'd post a poem and then they'd tell you you were accepted to their special anthology and would you like to buy a copy for $200...HAH.
DeleteI'm actually not at all sure how we first met! I think you're right that it must have been through Erin -- though I can't remember how I met her, either!!