Thursday, July 24, 2008

"There is a place where even music is no longer necessary"

Things that are making me happy:

My R.A.'s photoblog from her internship in the Himalayan foothills of northern India.

The Rapunzel's Revenge countdown widget that Taiger made.

The Kiki Strike influence, which continues to prompt me to do things like climb through windows and go over fences instead of around them.

Knowing that my sister will be home from west Africa in a week and a half.

The book of Franz Wright poetry I am reading right now, God's Silence. It is astonishingly beautiful and true.

The Perilous Gard, by Elizabeth Marie Pope. I finished it this morning, and I loved it!


  1. Oh, I really like the pictures. :)

    Your sister's in Africa? That's great! But you must miss her - I'll pray for a safe return home. :)

  2. Yep, she was doing a two-month internship! :) Thanks for your prayers. I might post a few of her pictures soon.

  3. love love love the picures. Esp. the last one. Esp. (oh, all of them.) You have a great eye for picking them and arranging them.

    Oh, and safe travels for your sister!
