Monday, August 4, 2008

Virgil hasn't shown up yet

I really haven't got it in me to assemble a commentary on a cupcake recipe right now.

I'm going to go take a nap and hope that when I wake up life is a little better and I'm a little less freaked out.

Do you ever feel like a song was written just for you?

(Every blogger should get an occasional emo post, right?)


  1. I'm sorry ur having an emo day/post. :(
    I hope u feel better soon.

  2. holly my love,

    what a beautiful and yet completely heartbreaking song that is.

    i wish i could give you a hug and make tea and that it would make everything better, but know that i am praying for you.

    p.s. and whether or not it has the ability to make anything at all better, i will give you a hug and a big cup of tea very soon! hooray!

  3. *sends hug and Chai latte and prayers*

  4. i'm sorry to hear about your day. hope you'll feel better soon. *sending warm thoughts your way*

  5. Thanks for the bloggy good wishes, friends. I felt a lot better after sequestering myself in the kitchen with some loud music and a cupcake recipe to fiddle with.

  6. That's a beautiful song...but also sad. But I feel that way a lot. (feel like the song, that is, not necessarily sad)

    Glad you're doing better.
