Monday, November 17, 2008

"Girl with a bird she found in the snow..."

"Boy With a Coin" by Iron & Wine has one of my most favorite music videos.

I love Iron & Wine in about a dozen ways. And a video with flamenco dancers to indie alt/folk music? Brilliant and beautiful.

There is something so haunting about flamenco's lovely intensity - or ferocity, even? I think it is a perfect match for the song. (I must say, though, the students have a cooler part than the teacher.)


  1. Oh. OH! My. I still have chills running through me. That is impossibly beautiful and wonderful and fierce. Fierce beauty.

  2. oh, i love iron and wine! and those were some seriously fierce dance moves.

    p.s. i think you'll love this poem about a spanish flamenco dancer.

  3. Odessa - Oh, so evocative! I especially like the bit about her arms...

  4. I think I have a new favourite song! I love music, Im so glad you introduced me to this!

  5. This is spectacular. I once wrote an entire novel about flamenco dancers in Seville at the end of the Civil War (never published). I couldn't get enough of the dance, haunted all these flamenco places in Spain. This is gorgeous. Thanks for posting this.

  6. i was just watching this video the other day. it does have an intense ferocity, absolutely...

  7. i would say something too, aside from the fact that i see nothing but a blank white box. but im on a school computer right now and they stink, so yea

  8. Oh I agree, I find Flamenco music and dance to be so beautiful.

  9. Iron & Wine is the perfect autumn music. I'm just a little bit in love with Sam Beam.

  10. Beth - Unpublished? Oh, sad...

    miamaria - Ah yes, school computer syndrome. I know it well.

    Gretchen - Ditto.
