Saturday, June 13, 2009

I still have bruises from slithering back in through the window

This is what I will think of:

- running out onto the roof with Faith and Erin to be in a dust storm.

- how The Princess Bride has never been funnier than when I watched it with them.

- making a layer [carrot] cake with Faith.

- and then enjoying it very lazily with iced tea in the backyard.

- that we three talked and laughed about nothing and everything and knew each other so well.

- Pan's Labyrinth.

- Erin attempting to assassinate me multiple times at the pool.

- how in the morning we recorded our miracles in dry-erase marker on Faith's window.

- "For some reason, I keep wanting to call you The Great and Terrible Holly." ~Erin

- a tabletop dusted with almond flour.

- realizing while I was staying with Erin's family that everyone there was a blogger. It felt awesome.

- Sharpie knuckle tats.

- the cool shuttle driver from Sudan that I talked to the whole way to the airport.


  1. yummmm iced tea :D

    i keep meaning to see pan's labyrinth (& forgetting!)

    em refuses to watch the princess bride, it makes me sad. i adore that movie.

  2. The sharpie knuckle tatts line made me laugh =)

    It sounds like you guys had such a great time together... & how amazing that the whole house was full of bloggers! I'm still amazed at how small it makes the world seem.


  3. oh i loved Pan's Labyrinth! great movie.

    I would have loved to see you crawl through a window, many giggles.

    It sounds like you had an amazing great time!! ^ .^

    I hope you get your charger back soon!!


  4. I only know 2 other people who blog :(

    I like these lists you make!

    I tagged you in my blog btw =)

  5. Haha, I love Erin's quote. I am so going to call you The Great and Terrible Holly from now on.

  6. This is happiness. *hugs you*
