Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lately I don't have as much to write.

I don't mind. It just means things are quieter in my head.

^That's at my temp job. iPod and keyboard.

I noticed that my jeans are the color of my veins.

My neighborhood is just like this, all fog and cracked pavement and bright small-box houses and glimpses of the ocean. Worn and colorful and ordinary and full of small strange things.

Yes. There are metal flowers too.


  1. love the pics! it made me smile. its so sweet, so you.

    word verification: dessi

    (last time it was dessa, now its dessi. heee.)

  2. I am going to visit you one day. I want to see this magical town that you live in!

  3. fog and cracked pavement and glimpses of the ocean. all the reasons i like being in the sunset.

  4. these are awesome, especially the metal flower ^. ^

  5. I'm where you are, quieter in my head.

    I wonder if I've walked that street...?

  6. I'm really loving your photography lately.

  7. I love the picture of the house with the pink flower--looks like you live in a pretty awesome place :-)

  8. My goodness. You are an AMAZING photographer! Mind lending your skills to me one of these days?

    And you had boba tea! I love that stuff. :D

  9. Oh, believe me, my days are so much quieter too. Your phrase "metal flowers" got me thinking. Mind if I use it in a poem?

  10. You have denim veins? they come in acid-washed too? Oh wait, this isn't 1989...sorry!
