Monday, July 13, 2009

Things that are making me happy

Tofurkey. It tastes better than I remember turkey tasting.

My pen pals and other people who send me mail [right now that means pinkapplecore and Bambola].

Naan Sundays with my sister.

Wandering Saturdays with Odessa.

Cute dreadlocked hippie boys [especially when they're offering free samples of delicious nectarines].

The bunch of fresh lavender that I got at the farmer's market.

Having flowers to carry around while I'm out and about. It always makes me happy to see people carrying flowers, especially on public trans, so I imagine it does the same for other people. Plus strangers talk to you more.

Clearing my wardrobe of things I don't wear and managing to resell some of them to my favorite second-hand store.


  1. I love carrying around flowers too. But I love putting them in my hair more. ;)

  2. Priya - YES YES YES that too!

  3. I love naan. I've only had the opportunity to carry around a flower once, but it was a rose, and on Valentine's Day. :D

  4. Mmmm naan. One of the very few sucky things about New Zealand is the lack of vegetarian/vegan convenience food. I have always wanted to try tofurkey!

  5. Yayyy. This post sort of sums you up, in a way, I think. *happy*

  6. yay for wandering Saturdays! and um, i think i want to go stalk the hippie boy again at the farmer's market...haha.

  7. i want a dreadlocked hippie boy...

  8. Mmm you've got me craving a nectarine now!!

    p.s. my word verification word was zestom, i felt it was vaguely related...
